Saturday, August 23, 2014

Summer Break

A week off for Summer Break and I spent it... Guess where!  In Seoul!  I stayed with a couple of old friends and saw a few new sites in the suburbs of the big city.  You can read the rest in pictures...

(Click to enlarge)

Road to Seoul 

 The city that once housed my everyday life --
 reflecting while riding in on the bus. 


 Out the window of a university friend's apartment.  Somehow,
 the view seemed so similar to the first apartment I stayed in. 

 Hiking up the hill to a UNESCO World Heritage site,
 the Suwon Fortress. 

 Peering out as we stopped for a shade break. 

 A sign saying how many km away we
 were from several major cities all over the world.
 I think New York was around 11,000 km. 

 And a bell to ring.  3 rings for a dollar. 

 Back down in the city, some interesting wall art. 

 A decorated side street. 

 These two warriors were doing some sort of sword
 fighting demonstration when they paused for "Photo Time."
 I tried not to get too close.  

 Kids playing hard on a sunny afternoon. 

 An E.T. mural.  Is it just me or does this picture
 have some similarities with the one just before it? 


 Hiking a mountain, seeing the city. 

 Also seeing an ancient fortress. 


 I stopped by one of my favorite places in the city, Olympic Park,
 near where I lived for the longest, before heading home.  This
 photo was taken while riding a rented bicycle in the rain.
 Good to think back on old times.
 Nice to continue on with new. 

Thanks for reading :)

English Kamp

Last week, first semester finished and English Camp begun.  Not entirely sure what was expected of me, but knowing that I was expected to plan a three-day event, I put together a mix of activities, including Cooking, Reading, Movie Watching, Singing, Sports, and Card Games -- all under the general theme of "Cultural Experience."  Overall, it seemed to be pretty good fun for all involved... myself included! 

 Mixing up Blueberry Pancakes! 

 Helping students measure out their ingredients. 

 Looks good, right?! 

 Reading "Pocahontas" 

 We made Tuna Melts another day. 

 Out playing Ultimate Frisbee! 


 Group photo on the last day!  If my co-teacher (in a gray t-shirt
on the right) and I look a bit tired, it's probably because we were!
A lot of time and energy went into prep and organization, but
I think we were both happy to see the students active, learning,
and enjoying themselves all at the same time! 

Thanks for reading :)